
Pata Tim Recipe

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Pata Tim Recipe


Pata Tim is a delicious pork stew with mushrooms and bok choy. It has a light sweet sauce and is cooked as long as possible. This dish uses pork leg, called pata in the Philippines. It can be considered a Filipino Chinese dish.

This is my second favorite strap dish with crisp strap. I also enjoy not beating Pakso with hot rice.

How to cook an address Tim

Start by boiling the pork leg for 2 minutes. When boiled or pressed, it prevents the skin from shrinking rapidly. You can also make pork if a turbo broiler is not available. This step is optional.

I also like to boil the pork leg before cooking the dish regularly. This extra step helps it remove bugs and drains. Boiling should be good for 15 minutes. Then release the water.

The time has come to formalize the lease time. Combine pork leg, soy sauce, pepper, cooking wine, and sesame oil in a cooking pot. Add enough water and allow to boil. Boil the pork until it is very tender. Boiling using the traditional method can take more than 1 hour. The pressure to cook pork leg is faster. You can strain it for 35 to 40 minutes.

Once the pork is tender, add a piece of Norpork cube to the sauce to give it a solid taste of pork. Also have star anise and sheet mushrooms. I’m using dried mushrooms that I soak in water. Boil for 20 minutes in covered pot. Remember to add more water if needed. I always make sure to keep at least 2/2 cup sauce.

Then add the sugar. Start with half the amount, which is 3 tablespoons. Add more if needed. Finally, add Bok Choy. Cook for 2 minutes before serving.

I hope this recipe is useful for you. If you have questions, suggestions, or clarifications, drop a comment.


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