
Chicken Lollipop Recipe

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Chicken Lollipop Recipe


This chicken lollipop recipe is generally considered as a horse diver or appetizer dish. Although not everyone will know, this chicken dish is made from chicken wings. In the Philippines, chicken lollipop is considered an important dish and is easily prepared compared to chicken lollipop dishes from India and other countries. It is served with warm white rice.

This dish is very similar to Asian pan fried chicken, though it requires a little more time and effort to prepare.

How to prepare a chicken lollipop

Preparation is the key to this dish. The process of cooking is easy. Even a new baby can cook finely sliced ​​chicken wings using this method, as long as the wings are properly prepared.

The chicken wings need to be cut into two pieces, we need the widgets and drummate parts. Save the wingtip for future use. It can be used as a component of chicken stock.

The next step is to push all the meat to one end of the bone. Do this by tilting the meat to one end of the bone and pressing down on the other end. Sometimes it’s as simple as pushing it down with a little force, but sometimes a knife is needed to loosen flesh and muscle from the bone. I suggest you watch the video below to see how I did.


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